Project SX-850 Flat Amp Deoxit and Recap

So my day job has kept me busy and away from this for a few days, but I did manage to remove what they call the flat amp and the input selector switches. Removing the selector switches was one of the more difficult tasks thus far as the wiring makes it very difficult to pull the switch board back far enough to remove for Deox-ing. Removing all of the wires from the retainers provided enough movement to allow the cleaning to commence. This was a particularly nasty bit as these switches had never been cleaned. A lot of nasty “stuff” flowed from the switches when I started to work them. I spent a lot of time on this as I had noted that the Aux switch needed a gentle nudge to get sound from both channels.

Next up is the main amp board and the output transistors. Before I start on that however I decided to warm up the receiver and set the offset and bias to ensure I have a solid amp before I replace the capacitors and some other components known to have issues. Both offset and bias dialed in beautifully and held consistent values after warming up..

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