All of the electrolytic capacitors and problematic transistors have been replaced, the pots and switches have been de-oxed and lubed and the bias and offset are all dialed in. It is now time to clean up the face plate, knobs and the case. All of these were in pretty good shape so I was able to clean them pretty well with some Simple Green and a toothbrush.
I am not sure the wife was completely on board with this, but I used her ultrasonic jewelry cleaner to clean the knobs and buttons. They turned out really nice and shiny..
Next up is the wood cover and the 2 walnut side blocks. The wood was really dried out and it had some slight scratches. I did some research on Audiokarma to see how other guys are improving the looks of the wood without doing a complete rebuild of the cover. A big thanks to all who posted on that topic.
This is Howards Feed-N-Wax. This was overwhelmingly recommended by all on AudioKarma. I put 4 coats of this on the cover and it looks fantastic. All of the Howard products are available on Amazon for pretty reasonable prices.
Here it is finally put all back together and buffed out. It really looks good and I must say I am pretty happy with the results. I am going to move it into my office and do a few weeks of burn-in and testing to ensure that all of the inputs and functions are working as expected.